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Origination in North America, black cohosh has a rich tradition in Native American. Black cohosh is known as a female tonic. It is a phytoestrogen-containing herb popular among women and is intended provide nutritive support during natural mid-life changes. Black cohosh has received official recognition in Britain and Germany for its many uses. This product is standardized for its key compounds, including 27-deoxyactein.
Use only as directed. Take one vegetarian capsule daily with a meal or glass of water.
成分表示 | ||
1回分のベジタリアンカプセル | ||
サービングあたりの金額 | %日量 | |
ブラックコホッシュ(Cimicifuga racemosa)(根および根抽出物)(27mgのデオキシアクテインとして計算される1mg [0.2%のトリテルペングリコシド類を含むことが保証されている) | 545mg | * |
*日々の価値は確立されていません。 |