Specially Designed for Use with Playtex Baby Nurser Bottles Convenient Disposable Liner Liner Collapses to Keep Air Out of Milk BPA Free Trusted by Moms for Over 50 Years Closer to natural Breast FeedingSoft liner gently collapses like the breast for a more natural breathing & feeding rhythm - Clinically Proven!
Naturalatch Nipple - Most Like Mom
Raised texture helps baby latch naturally.*
*Clinically proven!
Instructions for use with a Playtex baby Nurser:
Open package at bottom, remove liner. Place liner into Nurser and fill. Pull nipple through retainer ring and screw onto Nurser until you feel the Twist 'n Click lock into place. Click bottle into angled position. Remove air by gently squeezing the bottom of liner until a small amount of liquid comes out of the nipple. Feed baby in semi-upright position. Discard after single use.Warming Instructions:
A: Warm liquid in the assembled Nurser by placing Nurser under hot tap or in a pan of warm water removed from heat source.
B: Before pouring into assembled Nurser, warm liquid in separate container and cool to lukewarm (at least 15 minutes if boiled).