Heather's Tummy Care, タミーファイバー™, オーガニック, アカシアセネガル タミーファイバー, 1 包


  • Brands製造元 : ヘザーズタミーケア
  • プロダクトコード Product Code: HTC-00016
  • UPCコード : 180616000165
  • サイズ: 0.14 kg, 2.8x3.1x4.3 in
  • Availability: In Stock
  • USDA Organic
  • Tasteless
  • Non-Thickening
  • 100% Soluble Fiber
  • A Medical Food for the Dietary Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Prebiotic Soluble Fiber ~ Encourages Healthy Gut Flora
  • Kosher
  • Certified Organic by QAI
  • Non GMO
  • Through dietary management, Acacia senegal helps relieve IBS symptoms, including diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain.

    A medical food for the dietary management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms. Acacia senegal is a natural (not synthetic) whole food soluble fiber with a clinically proven prebiotic effect. Studies show that soluble fiber, as part of the diet, helps regulate bowel motility (alleviating both diarrhea and constipation), and relieves abdominal pain from IBS. Acacia senegal's prebiotic effect stimulates the growth of healthy gut flora for ideal bowel stability, which can reduce bloating, gas, and bowel irregularities from IBS.

    Heather's Tummy Fiber is unique, because it has a good gastrointestinal tolerance and a proven significantly bifidogenic effect. Heather's Tummy Fiber is formulated specifically for the dietary management of IBS and improved bowel stability.

    Heather's Tummy Fiber is 100% Acacia senegal, never low grade Acacia seyal.

    Heather's Tummy Fiber has no psyllium, FOS, inulin, Fodmaps, or IBS triggers:

  • No insoluble fiber.
  • No citric acid.
  • No gluten.
  • No artificial colors or flavors.
  • No artificial sweeteners.
  • No GI stimulants or irritants.
  • ご使用の目安

  • Start with a low dose.
  • Increase gradually.
  • Keep increasing until symptoms stabilize.
  • Start with 1/2 packet, twice daily. Add to empty cup, then stir with a fork as you gradually add room temperature liquid. Let rest for a minute, stir again to completely dissolve. Does not dissolve well in boiling hot or ice cold liquids, but once fiber is liquified you can boil or chill beverage. Or, stir into any moist food.

    Gradually increase your dose. Add an extra packet every 3-5 days and keep increasing until symptoms stabilize. Use twice daily for best results.

    Diarrhea can resolve fairly quickly as your dose increases. Constipation, if chronic and severe, may take several weeks and require a gradual increase to the maximum dose range of 15 packets per day.

    Daily Dosages for Adults 12 Years & Older:

    On average, 2 to 8 packets per day total, divided into two doses. You may need more or less. Maximum daily dose is 15 packets.

    Cooking: Add up to 3 packets per cup of liquid, whisk.

    Baking: Add up to 3 packets per cup of flour, whisk.

    Sprinkle on moist foods or add to cup, stir in liquids.

    1回当たり摂取量: 1パケット(2.5グラム)
    コンテナ当たりの摂取量: 25
    サービングあたりの金額 %毎日の値*
    エネルギー(kcal) 10
    総脂質 0 g 0%
    ナトリウム 0 g 0%
    総炭水化物 2g 1%
    食物繊維 2g 9%
    可溶性繊維 2g
    タンパク質 0 g 0%