Everyday Minerals, チーク、バラ園 0.17oz (4.8 g) (Discontinued Item)


  • Brands製造元 : エブリデイミネラルズ
  • プロダクトコード Product Code: EVM-77186
  • UPCコード : 700600771866
  • サイズ: 0.05 kg, 2.7x2.7x0.9 in
  • Availability: In Stock

Field Of Roses is a sheer, bright baby pink, bringing the sweet cheerfulness of wild pink roses to your look. Especially pretty on fair complexionsIts’, smooth, matte finish and super-easy blending will always put you in the pink!

Our Blushes

Blush adds a touch of color to make you look as if you’ve been kissed by the sun! It’s so good at making your beauty shine, that it was considered naughty in Victorian times. To achieve a fresh, natural look, choose a soft shade, that closely resembles your skin tone when blushing. Pinch your cheeks to see! For best results, apply after foundation, and before bronzer. And who says blush can only bring life to your cheeks? A hint on your forehead, temples, or jawline can also give your overall look a touch of sunshine. 

We Believe

We believe in using kind ingredients in our cosmetics. Only pure, luxurious are sourced, for a beautiful you and a beautiful, healthy world. Our cosmetics are created withOUT: Petro chemicals, lake dyes, bismuth oxychloride, synthetic fragrances, SLS, mineral oil, and paraffin wax.


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