Enzymedica, ATプロ配合ダイジェストゴールド、21カプセル


  • Brands製造元 : エンザイメディカ
  • プロダクトコード Product Code: ENZ-24150
  • UPCコード : 670480241509
  • サイズ: 0.04 kg, 3.1x2.0x1.8 in
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Non GMO
  • The Enzyme Experts
  • Digestive
  • #1 Selling Enzyme Brand
  • Most Advanced Enzyme Formula
  • Optimal Digestive Support
  • America's #1 Selling Digestive Enzyme†
  • K-Parve
  • Enzyme deficiencies may result from a combination of age, diet and lifestyle. These deficiencies can lead to a variety of digestive discomforts, including occasional gas, bloating, indigestion and irregularity.

    Digest Gold is an advanced formula that breaks down carbohydrates, fats, fiber and protein. The enzymes in Digest Gold support optimal digestion by helping the body absorb nutrient and convert food into energy. Digestive well-being improves concentration and increases vitality. Digest Gold is an excellent choice of individuals seeking a high-potency enzyme formula.

    Thera-blend is an exclusive process that combines multiple strains of enzymes that work in various pH levels. Thera-blend enzymes have been shown to be three times stronger and work more than six times faster than leading digestive supplements.

    †According to SPINS a market research and consulting firm for the Natural Products Industry.


    Recommended Use: 1 capsule with each meal. More may be taken as needed.

    1 回分のサイズ: 1カプセル
    コンテナ当たりの摂取量: 21
    サービングあたりの金額 %日量
    アミラーゼセラブレンド 23,000 DU **
    プロテアーゼThera-blend 80,000 HUT **
    グルコアミラーゼ 50 AGU **
    ATPro(ATP、クエン酸マグネシウム、フィターゼ、CoQ10) 25〜300百万LCU **
    アルファガラクトシダーゼ 450 GaIU **
    セルラーゼThera-blend 3,000CU **
    リパーゼThera-blend 4,000 FCCFIP **
    ラクターゼ 900 ALU **
    βグルカナーゼ 25 BGU **
    マルターゼ 200 DP **
    キシラナーゼ 550 XU **
    インベルターゼ 240 SU **
    ペクチナーゼ(フィターゼを含む) 45-Endo-PGU **
    ヘミセルラーゼ 30 HCU **