California Gold Nutrition, 南極クリル(オキアミ)オイル、アスタキサンチン配合、RIMFROST(リムフロスト)社製、ストロベリー&レモンの天然風味、500mg、魚ゼラチンソフトジェル120粒


  • California Gold Nutrition Antarctic Krill Oil, 500 mg
  • Omega-3 Phospholipids with Naturally Occurring Astaxanthin (Not Fortified)
  • RIMFROST Antarctic Krill Oil sourced from the Pristine Southern Ocean
  • Sustainable + Traceable + Transparent + Gently Processed = Premium Quality
  • Natural Strawberry & Lemon Flavor♦️
  • Helps Support Healthy Heart, Brain, Eyes and Liver*
  • Formulated to Contain: No Gluten, No GMOs, No Soy
  • Produced in a 3rd Party Audited cGMP Registered (Certified) Facility
  • 100% Gold Guarantee
  • Krill oil has gained attention not only for its Omega-3 fatty acids but for its bioavailability and Astaxanthin content. Research suggests that the bioavailability of Krill oil may be high because much of the EPA and DHA are bound to phospholipids which aid in the efficient transfer of essential nutrients to the body’s cells.* The Omega-3 Phospholipids and Astaxanthin in Krill oil help to support healthy heart, brain, eyes and liver functions.*

    California Gold Nutrition Antarctic Krill Oil features RIMFROST Krill Oil with naturally occurring (not fortified) Astaxanthin that is sourced responsibly from the pristine waters of the Southern Ocean. The Fish Gelatin Softgels are manufactured in CA, USA and a natural Strawberry and Lemon flavor is added to help mask any unpleasant fishiness.

    RIMFROST Antarctic Krill / Sustainable + Traceable + Transparent + Gently Processed = Premium Quality Krill Oil You Can Trust!

    iHerb Blog:
    12 Health Benefits of Krill Oil
    Fish Oil vs Krill Oil: Which is Best for You?
    Nutrient Highlight - Astaxanthin

    iTested Verified



    1回分の成分量 1日の推奨摂取量に対する割合(%)
    カロリー 5
    脂質によるカロリー 5
    総脂質 0.5g <1%*
    コレステロール 5mg 2%*
    クリル(オキアミ)オイル(甲殻類由来) 500mg
    オメガ3脂肪酸 120mg
    EPA(エイコサペンタエン酸) 60mg
    DHA(ドコサヘキサエン酸) 30mg
    リン脂質 200mg
    アスタキサンチン(クリルオイル由来) 150mcg