Advance Physician Formulas, エンバク、60カプセル (Discontinued Item)


  • Ray Sahelian, M.D.
  • Energy Boosting Health Tonic
  • Doctor Formulated
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Formulated by Medical Doctor Ray Sahelian, M.D. Bestselling Author and Nutrition Expert.

    Avena Sativa is a natural aphrodisiacs used by women and men and is the scientific name for the grass commonly known as oats.


    As a dietary supplement, take one capsule in the morning on an empty stomach or as recommended by your health care provider.

    1 回分のサイズ: 1カプセル
    1瓶あたりの摂取量 60カプセル
    カプセルあたりの量 %DV
    Avena Sativa
    オーツストロー(Avena sativa)(空中部)
    50 mg